Hi! I am Mathilde Heu, an illustrator with a knack for puzzle illustration / bespoke illustration / & art installations.
Title: Pareidolia
Type: Personal work
Size: 17.50 m x 2.60 m
Medium: Charcoal on paper
Exhibition(s): Halles USEGO, Sierre (CH); Halles de Porrentruy (CH), 2015.
Description: “Pareidolia” is a 17m-long installation of charcoal drawings that explores the notion of pareidolia, which is the tendency for incorrect interpretation of a stimulus as an object or pattern known to the observer (such as seeing shapes in clouds, faces in nature, or abstract patterns).
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Title: In a nutshell
Type: Personal work
Size: 5 m x 1.50 m
Medium: 3D scan of a nutshell, pencil on paper
Exhibition(s): Assembly Point, London (UK), 2019.
Description: "O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams." This quote (Hamlet) inspired me to make a 3D scan of a tiny nutshell, and as I explored it on my computer, it started to look like a rugged rock face and a churning sea.
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greater than lion
Title: Greater than Lion
Type: Stage set design, commissioned work
Commissioner: Messums Wiltshire
Client: Kennedy Muntanga Dance and Theatre (KMDT)
Exhibition(s): Messums Wiltshire (UK), 2021, The Mount Without, Bristol (UK), 2022.
Description: This stage set has been created for Greater Than Lion, a new work choreographed by Kennedy Junior Muntanga. The four "ribs" of the set were inspired by the image of the starving lion from Alexander McCall Smith's tale “Greater Than Lion.”
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Shirt of Serendipity
Title: Shirt of Serendipity
Type: Personal workSize: 2.10 m x 2.60 m
Medium: Charcoal imprint on paper
Exhibition(s): Halles USEGO, Sierre (CH), 2015.
Description: For this work, I sewed an improbably large shirt. I decided to only show a trace of its existence to the audience: an imprint made through rubbing charcoal on a paper placed over it.
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Title: Epicentre
Type: Personal work
Size: 3m x 3m x 3m
Medium: interactive sound installation, mild steel and bone transducers
Exhibition(s): RCA final show, London (UK), 2018, Coutts bank, London (UK), 2019.
Description: "Epicentre" is a tilted steel cube, sliced away so as to seem part-sunk into the floor. On one of its faces, contact speakers (bone transducers) are embedded. The viewer is instructed to kneel, position their elbows on the coin-shaped speakers and press their palms against their ears, thus allowing the sound (archival sounds from the NOAA) to travel through their arms and into their skull.
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Title: Candy Apples
Type: Collective work w/ Sofia Kouloukouri, Julie Magnenat & Amandine Vaccaielli.
Medium: Amplifier, piezos, apples
Exhibition(s): Open doors de l’EDHEA, Sierre (CH), 2015.
Description: “Candy Apples” is a sound installation where a number of apples connected to an amplifier produce a discrete sound of female voices chatting, singing or murmuring. Each apple contains a piezo through which the sound is heard. The passers by are invited to kneel and listen to stories relating to desire, sex and food.
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